
Akelo: complete and polymorphous artist

Hack the other...

When asked where her artist's name comes from and what it means, Génia, reserved and modest, reveals a double origin. It's a contraction of her Russian names and the name of a character in Kipling's The Jungle Book. He is the leader of Mowgli's pack, characterized by his sense of justice and by a philosophy of life close to the values of Génia. With no clearly identifiable gender, the name Akelo catches the art lover without locking him up, leaving him free to imagine...

A nice way to hack each other !

From the plains of the Urals to Paris.

Akelo grew up in Ekaterinburg in the once Soviet Urals. Very early on, she's fascinated by drawing which offered her an easy way to communicate.
Her thirst of learning as well as of challenging herself, lead her to study design of architecture and draughtsmanship (it should be mentioned that in Russia, drawing is an essential part of design).
Unexpectedly, she began her career as a costume designer for the cinema and became a cartoonist in the Russian cartoon industry, known for its beauty and creativity.
On the one hand there was American cartoon industry based on junk food and Disney, on the other hand the delicate beauty of Russian cartoon coming from a background were food wasn’t something to take for granted, as well as freedom of expression.

Akelo expressed her first graphic talents in the realization of frescoes and icons. The only areas of creativity free from censorship and self-censorship. The Soviet regime does not joke with official art !

In 1995, Akelo moved to Paris and continued her studies for 3 years at the ENSCI "Les Ateliers".

The hyphen

From the poetry of the frescoes and the strength of the icons, Akelo ventures into the world of the urban arts. In 2015 she is invited by Artof Popof and humbly begins, remaining true to herself, exploring this culture to make it her own.
Attracted by the conviviality of the urban arts (stencils, graffiti, collages...), the diversity of the audience, the mix of genres and origins, Akelo quickly establishes herself as an artist of her own among the flourishing Parisian creation. Contemporary Art which often surrounds her, it's not enough for her!

Easy-going, Akelo willingly shares the glass of friendship when she meets buyers, whether they are simply curious or more experienced amateurs.

Without a past, no future, they say... Akelo creates a link between "classical" and urban arts.

Future(s) ?

From the poetry of the frescoes and the strength of the icons, Akelo ventures into the world of the urban arts. In 2015 she is invited by Artof Popof and humbly begins, remaining true to herself, exploring this culture to make it her own.
Attracted by the conviviality of the urban arts (stencils, graffiti, collages...), the diversity of the audience, the mix of genres and origins, Akelo quickly establishes herself as an artist of her own among the flourishing Parisian creation.
Contemporary Art which often surrounds her, it's not enough for her !

Proust mini Q&A

Your main character trait: responsibility.

Your dream of happiness ? To always have the strong desire to be in art and to improve.

What do you hate the most ? Violence.

Your favourite colour ? Turquoise blue.

Your motto ? Go higher, overcome yourself.

Akelo's playlist

Thank you Génia, Aka Akelo, for having accepted to take part in the Q&A !
It was a pleasure to meet you and be able to share it with our readers.

Translation by Elisa GOZZI

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