I have been passionate about designer toys for three years since I started researching the Art Toy Movement in 2017. This research brought me to New York to collect material in various dedicated
art galleries such as Clutter Gallery and Myplasticheart. In 2018 this work resulted in my master dissertation “Toy Stories: from Renaissance to Art Toys”, a project for a possible future
exhibition on toys in art history.
Being a designer toy enthusiast when CDRC asked me my top three toy artists that was a really hard question! In this moment I’d choose Simone Legno, Ron English and Jason Freeny and I’d put all
of them on the podium because I can’t choose which one I like the most. Each one of them has certain special characteristics that distinguish their style and when you see their works it is
impossible not to recognize their unique design.
A few toys Elisa loves...
Simone Legno (Tokidoki) is the best-known Italian artist on the international Art Toys scene. Every year he creates collectible toys and creates installations in the urban landscapes of different
cities. Tokidoki is the pseudonym identified by Legno, a Japanese word meaning "sometimes", a concept that for the artist takes on a personal meaning of hope that helps to believe that
"sometimes" dreams come true.
Simone Legno's kawaii style is always recognizable thanks to his playful and colorful characters, where we find animated food, creatures half animal and half plant and everything the mind of a
child could imagine.
Ron English explores the world of pop culture and advertising distorting their icons in a humorous key like a naughty child having fun doing pranks. That’s what I like of him, this way of
reporting really big problems of consumerism society by making fun of it. Whether he's targeting celebrities or food mascots, it's always an ironic criticism, like his famous obese Ronald
McDonald scuplture, a warning to consumers of pre-packaged food in fast food restaurants not to abuse it.
Jason Freeny has always had a passion for toys and cartoon characters and one day decided to go beyond their outer appearance to explore the inside of the body, thus creating his original playful
anatomies of the most famous cartoon characters such as Looney Tunes and Hello Kitty and also icons of the toy world like Lego and Barbie. I have always being very passionate to both morbid
anatomy art and comic culture, so Jason Freeny art appealed me so much because is the perfect mix between my two personalities dark and playful at the same time.
Unique Elisa
Proust mini Q&A
Your main character trait: kindness.
Your dream of happiness? Visiting California and going to DesignerCon.
What do you hate the most? Dishonesty.
Your favourite colour ? Rainbow, if it was a colour. Then I'll choose Green.
Your motto? Stay curious.
Écrire commentaire
Matteo (vendredi, 19 mars 2021 19:14)
Ché bel Viaggio !
Elisa (dimanche, 28 mars 2021 16:16)
Ciao Matteo, mi fa piacere ti sia piaciuta questa avventura nel mondo dei designer toys �